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My External-Self Journey with Q Esthetics

My External-Self Journey with Q Esthetics

Erin Smith

As a mom of four, you can easily get caught-up in the daily tasks that make a large family run smooth. While busy with daily schedules and home chores, I feel privileged to put my family first; however, by doing so, I have often put myself on hold.  Many parents would say it’s all for love, and I agree that it is; but bits and pieces have fallen from the core of my identity, further than I thought. When It comes time to put everything back together, it’s hard to know what to do, to look and feel my best. My journey first began with fertility issues, when trying to build my family. Years of hormonal treatments to obtain our gorgeous dream family, also took a large toll on my skin and body.

Filling the ‘well’ of parental tiredness and self-care shouldn’t come as a threat or with guilt as a mom, but it does. I struggle with the thought that spending time on myself means spending less time with my family. I don’t know why or where it comes from, and I can’t really explain or feel that I need to … yet, I do.  The privilege of getting pregnant, having kids, raising a family and exponential love – ultimately comes with less sleep, lots of snacking, late night online reading and learning…etc. One day I looked up and noticed that I looked a bit more tired than the night before and wanted to fill that ‘well’ a bit more. What would I feel like if I loved who looked back? …and not due to self-grudge – as I’m proud of myself – but rather a “Wow, you look great!” kinda feeling.

So, one day I happened to come across this $10,000 Makeover Contest for Q Esthetics – and BAM! I WON? WHAT? I felt like this was the universe saying to me … “No more excuses Erin! Go fill your ‘well’!” …And so, I did. If I had just received $10,000 in cash, it would go to my family and bills. So, $10,000 all on me?! … I was overwhelmed with how I was going to handle it at first, but I soon found it much easier not to worry! lol!

My kids are currently 6, 4 and my youngest – the twins – are 2. I am now in a place where I would like to explore some new entrepreneurial ideas and feel like a fresh new makeover would help me feel more at ease with myself – and more at ease being back in the adult networking world.

Here is how the amazing staff and team at Q Esthetics helped me:

Q Body Sculpt

A program involving both a healthy lifestyle with The Good Diet, and fat loss treatments with Vanquish, I was excited to begin this journey. I set my goals with Dr. Melissa Hershberg who oversaw my weight loss; and I’ve already lost 15 lbs and counting! Each week on top of this, I did a one-hour Vanquish treatment, that significantly reduced my midsection; especially my ‘love handles and muffin-top’ build. With The Good Diet, my days consisted of:

  • Great morning chocolate shakes made my day with a shot of espresso I was set for at least one to two hours lol
  • Lunch I had soups in a travel mug and so I had it on the go with the kids, EASY!
  • The chocolate bars are like Snickers and super satisfying!!
  • Dinners I ate clean: chicken with coli flour rice and some vegies and had lots of sweet paper in the daytime.

My Start Point 168-170

The Vanquish machine is used to ‘blast fat’ and were the one-hour treatments I cherished each week with the girls at Q Esthetics. The treatment works by heating up the fat cells, blasting them away, and metabolizing them naturally through your body’s lymphatic system. After 3 sessions my muffin top was coming down! It was AMAZING! I loved the results! One tip: drink plenty of water before your treatment; if you don’t, you will feel the heat. However, the sensation is no worse than a deep tissue massage. It’s a good pain, so just breath.

After 8 sessions, I am excited to see that I have less of a muffin top in my mid-section. I was surprised because after 2 individual pregnancies, and one with twins, I was curious how much it would actually change.  My overall confidence was changed when I fit into jeans I hadn’t worn in 8 years, and others that I hadn’t gotten into since I was married – 12 years ago! AMAZING!!!


The chemical peel helped balance my skin and lessen any redness. The treatment felt interesting; first, like a cold and freshly-washed sensation, then a bit hot – but not uncomfortable. It was very refreshing and quite relaxing, and my skin didn’t peel a lot – just enough to tell that it had worked.



I had a Laser Facial, with Q Esthetics’ Picosure, that helped get rid of my rough sandpaper-like skin. Prior to my treatment, I could literally scrub my face and it would still feel terrible; oil in some areas, very dry in others. The Picosure laser helped balance and smooth my skin, and really helped to reduce the pores around my nose! It was funny – the numbing cream that was applied prior to treatment, made my face so numb that I couldn’t feel my cold winter day runny nose! lol (No really, this made me laugh out loud.) However, it helped – because I didn’t feel a thing from the laser.



Time for Xeomin® – the facial that keeps on giving! I was scared to try Xeomin®. I didn’t want to look plastic, like the image we often see in marketing. My kids would often ask “Mom, are you mad?” – due to my thick brow lines that seem to appear mostly when I’m concentrating or in sunlight (…so, ALL the time). I needed to soften my look; to reflect that I was either just thinking, or that I couldn’t see due to the glare from the sun – lol. We injected a few units between my brows and around my eyes. As I’m 39, my crow’s feet are starting to scratch their way in, so getting Xeomin® helped to lessen these lines, and it looks great! It didn’t hurt, looks very natural, and I love it!



I highly recommend this procedure! Ultherapy is a cool ultrasound treatment, that provided me with a face and neck lift; one that I needed more than I thought. There is a lot of pressure involved in this treatment, so if you can manage this you will surely see results. Results are only supposed to show after 3 months, but I feel like I can see them already, so who knows where I will notice more lift in 3 months?! Can’t wait to see!

During the Ultherapy treatment, you feel a very firm squishy-face kind of pressure with the ultrasound wand – to get deep into your face. This is not super cozy, but well… we could all laugh at the ‘fishy-face’ I made – lol! It does shock a bit and feels like a knot being loosened by an elbow during a deep tissue massage – a good hurt! It was over soon enough, and the lasting face and neck lift will be worth it, so hang in there! Deep Breaths.



Wonderful skincare line, easy to use and makes my skin feel so fresh and renewed. I look forward to putting the cream and moisturizer on in the morning and at night – it makes my day. The eye cream has a nice texture and has helped the fine lines around my eyes. The Alumier products make your face glow, and I posted about this on social media when I first tried them!  Also, since I started using these, I have not had breakouts like I used to.


Filler…what can I say… it was probably the treatment I was most scared about. I am SO relieved and happy to say that this process was well worth it! I could not believe the immediate transformation of my entire face; and as the filler started to relax, so did I!

We started by filling my temples, something I never would have thought of; softening my eyes, reducing lines and resulted in a more youthful look. Then my dream happened… my eye wells were filled! I was immediately amazed at how quickly the divots under my eyes disappeared; the divots that had made me look so tired in photos. I had tried makeup, but nothing took away from the fact that this area sinks more and more with age. Now my under-eyes are full and looking fresh! We also filled my cheeks, making me look happy, and my lips to make them softer. And as much as I love my laugh lines, we filled these as well – resulting in an overall refreshed and rejuvenated look!

WOW! Overall, I wake up, don’t put any makeup on, and get compliments from strangers; “you have great skin!” It’s natural and looks amazing. This process was a bit painful, if you are doing it all in one shot, but quite relative to many other forms of pain. If you can stand the immediate prick (just count to 10), then you will forever love the results.


Pellefirm‘s skin tightening treatment helped reduce the stretch marks on my tummy; mostly the result from carrying my children. After having my kids, I was left with this loose skin – ‘ponch’ as I call it. Yes, I am proud of my body’s abilities, but would also like for my jeans not to fold over anymore. This process did help firm my skin, and with a few treatments I can see how this would tighten a lot more for sure.


I am going to be receiving Q Esthetics’ exclusive Q Max Facial before my reveal, and from what I’ve heard, I look forward to many of these for years to come.

Q Esthetics has gifted me this amazing makeover and it will forever impact the way I feel and see myself, in such a positive and healthy way.

After undergoing my treatments, I felt a feeling of accomplishment. It’s done! I like the fresh look I have. I can also still have fun with makeup, but now it’s more to enhance and enjoy; rather than to cover-up and conceal. From here, I will continue going to the gym, lifting weights, Yoga, keeping up with my skincare, and keep feeling great! Diet, exercise and something for the soul! It’s only a problem if it bothers you. If it doesn’t bother you, don’t fix it.

On my journey with Q Esthetics, I feel empowered to look my best, which in-turn makes me feel my best.  From this, I have started my new entrepreneurial endeavors, including my own online shop, and look forward to participating in networking groups and really living this new mom-of-4 life with my kids. I am healthy, happy and no longer feel any barriers that added to my shyness. It makes it fun to run and play with my kids as much as I’ve always wanted to, for them and for myself.

Love yourself, parents. For all the work it takes to parent great kids and form amazing families, taking time to love ourselves is great for everyone. We all need to fill the ‘well’ and take that time now and then. -And that’s OK!

Chin Workout

Chin Workout

Many individuals exercise every day but forget one important body area — the face and neck. Exercising your chin tones the muscles of your lower face, your jawline and your neck for a more youthful appearance. Exercise the muscles of your lower face and chin on a daily basis and you may benefit from the natural facelift results that you could begin to see in a matter of weeks.

Chin Lifts

The chin lift exercises multiple small muscles that make up the lower portion of the face, including the hyoglossus, the mylohyoid and the platysma, the large muscle flap that extends from your chin down along the front of your throat. Toning these muscles purportedly slims the front part of the neck and chin where they join. Start with your head and neck in a relaxed position. Tilt your head backward until the chin points upward to the ceiling. Push your chin forward. You’ll feel a strong pull all along the jawline and front of the neck. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Lower your chin and repeat the exercise sequence 20 times.

Double Chin

Get rid of your double chin by performing focused exercises in the front of the neck area. One example of an effective exercise is to do what is called kissing the ceiling. Tilt your head back and purse your lips in an exaggerated kissing position. Extend the lips toward the ceiling and hold a second, then release. Continue repeating the kissing motion 10 to 20 times. You can do this exercise several times a day.

Yoga Lion Pose

The lion pose helps tone and exercise all the muscles of the face, but also targets the lower jaw, chin and neckline. Kneel on the floor, hands on your thighs. Open your eyes and mouth as wide as you can and stick your tongue out, trying to touch your tongue to your chin. Hold this position while saying “ah” for five to 10 seconds to start. Release the pose. Relax a moment and then repeat. You can do this exercise as often as you wish through the day.

Hanging Head Lift

Lie on a sofa or bed with your head hanging over the edge. Lift your chin toward your chest. Place a hand behind your head to help if needed until your neck and jaw muscles grow stronger. Hold the contraction for a few seconds and then slowly lower your head back to its starting position. Repeat five more times and then relax.

Get firmer-looking skin from head to toe

Get firmer-looking skin from head to toe with skin tightening

Remember when you didn’t have to worry about sagging skin? It was a carefree time when you didn’t have to rely on makeup and clothing to hide the telltale signs of aging skin. Infrared skin tightening through soft tissue coagulation helps give you back the youthful appearance of tighter skin with no surgery or scars and minimal downtime.

laser skin tightening

With easy infrared skin-tightening treatments, infrared light delivers deep heat to coagulate and tighten skin. It’s a bold new approach to skin firming that’s nonsurgical and doesn’t involve extensive recovery.

Choose infrared skin tightening for firmer, smoother skin on your:

Face • Neck • Arms • Legs • Stomach • Abdomen

Q Esthetics Laser Clinic is a leader in non-surgical cosmetic laser skin care treatments. For over 10 years, our passionate and experienced team of professionals have maximized skin care results by providing the most innovative treatment techniques paired with the world’s most powerful aesthetic light system.

Choose infrared skin tightening to help get back the tight skin that time has taken away!

My skin tightening trmts

My skin tightening treatments

The laxity around my eyes and chin always made me look tired. As my 50th B-day was coming soon, I just wanted to make myself look a little younger and fresher. But I was in no way ready for a surgical facelift. I was initially considering the popular thermage, so started to collect more info about thermage. But I was horrified by so many negative reviews and comments regarding thermage over the internet. Just too many complaints have been reported such as burning, fat wasting(atrophy), prolonged down time, no visible results, extremely pain ,etc.

Then I was opting to an alternative solution. Google brought me to Q Esthetics web site. I was so impressed by the before/after results of laser skin tightening treatments and the superior safety features of the fractional laser technology. I felt this was the exact what I was looking for, so I made my decision right away.

Even after only one session I could notice visible skin tightening. Now it’s been several months after my third treatment, the improvement of my sagging skin was just amazing – nothing was more dramatic! Highly recommend Q Eshtetics and fractional laser tightening!

Rebeca L. from VaughanLaser Skin Tightening Treatments (Sep. 2010)

My experience with skin tightening

My experience with skin tightening

I’m in my early 50s, but I’m often embarrassed when people refer to me
as being in my 60s due to my sagging jaws and loose skin on the neck.
So I started to look for solutions to improve my aging appearance and
decided that laser fractional tightening would be a good choice. I
chose Q Esthetics Laser Clinic based on the good reviews about their
services from the Internet.

After only one treatment of skin tightening, I noticed a more elastic
look on my face and neck. After the third treatment, I began to
receive compliments from people, asking what I was doing differently
to make myself look younger. Now my face and neck are much smoother,
tighter and more lifted.

In addition to the treatments, I really appreciate the always
welcoming, caring and professional environment provided by Q Esthetics
staff. That’s why I’d love to recommend Q Esthetics Laser Clinic to
anyone seeking a lasting improvement for their skin appearance.

Silvia L. from Richmond HillLaser Skin Tightening (Dec. 2009)