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Mesotherapy vs. Microneedling

Mesotherapy vs. Microneedling

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling or collagen induction is a cosmetic procedure that helps improve superficial scars and minor skin imperfections.

How does Microneedling work?

This technique involves the use of a pen shaped tool that has multiple needles with different depths from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm to puncture the skin and cause physical trauma. By doing so, we promote body’s natural healing process to create Collagen.

As Dr. Macrene Alexiades mentions in Elle magazine: “From microneedling alone, you will look plump, pink, and luminous for a couple of weeks. On a short term basis, it plumps the skin and makes the skin look more radiant”.[1]

Here at Q Esthetics, we combine Microneedling with other laser therapies for more severe skin problems to achieve greater outcomes.

What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy comes from the Greek word mesos meaning “middle”, and therapy from the Greek word therapeia which means” to treat medically”.[2] French doctor, Michel Pistor, is considered the father of modern mesotherapy, which initially was used for the treatment of medical conditions, starting in the 1950’s.[3]

Later on, practitioners discovered that this technique could be used for cosmetic purposes. At Q Esthetics, we have perfected this treatment to improve skin conditions such as: wrinkles, stretch marks, hair loss, fat loss plus acne scarring.

How does Mesotherapy work?

Firstly, by physical act of injection and skin breakage, we disturb the cells triggering a healing process which includes cell renewal, collagen production and skin tightening.

Secondly, we deliver the right agent into the skin in different depths by utilizing minute amounts of vitamins and minerals to treat the condition.[4]

For best results: multiple treatments are required. There is a possibility of redness, swelling, bruising that could last a few days.

Nazila Nateghi

Myths or misconceptions about laser treatments

Myths or misconceptions about laser treatments


Laser could damage or thin the skin. With technological advancements and procedures, the possibility of permanent damage has been reduced substantially. However, it is really important to be treated by an experienced laser technician for the best outcome.


One or two treatments is all you need to remove body hair. Hair grows in different stages. To remove body hair permanently, we need multiple treatments to catch the hair in the right growing stage, that is why by every treatment we destroy a certain percentage of hair roots.


Dark skin can not be treated by laser. This was true many years ago when laser technology was different. Nowadays, we can treat all skin types for all different reasons with great results. At Q Esthetics laser clinic we have done a great job treating all skin types with superb outcomes.


Laser resurfacing is all the same. Laser resurfacing technology and techniques vary. We could either do an ablative resurfacing like CO2 laser or target skin from inside and do a non-ablative resurfacing which works great without much reaction. We could do a non-ablative resurfacing on scars from acne, surgery, cut, etc

Nazila Nateghi

Mole Removal and Scar Removal Treatment

Mole Removal and Scar Removal Treatment

In 2009 I was seen by a dermatologist for a mole on my chest that I felt was changing in shape, diameter, and colour. Before this, I had learned the ABCDE’s of mole assessment and therefore, I was alarmed to notice that a lesion on my body was changing in various categories. The ABCDE’s of mole assessment are: Asymmetry (if you were to divide the lesion in half, would it look the same on either side?); Border (is the border of the lesion clean?); Colour (is it one solid colour or is the mole a mix of dark and light pigmentation?); Diameter (is it growing in size?); Elevation (is it elevated from the surrounding skin at all?). Since my mole ticked a number of these categories, I book an appointment to have it removed by a dermatologist.

With the mole being quite small, I was confident that there should not be a scar or if there was, I assumed that it would be quite small and therefore, not too noticeable. The dermatologist explained to me that he would only be taking a small ‘punch biopsy’ which would not leave a scar. This was done quite quickly, however, I was shocked to see that procedure left me with three sutures. In ten days these were removed and I was glad to receive the news that my mole was benign – meaning that it was nothing harmful to my health. Over the series of the next few months, I was noticing the area was very noticeable and was developing into a 1-2 inch hypertrophic scar. A hypertrophic scar is when the scar tissue becomes elevated.

I was always self conscious of this scar, but it was not until I began working at Q Esthetics that I found out that something could be done to fix it. I had the scar flatted with Kenallog, which is a corticosteroid injection that flattens the tissue and after this I had it resurfaced with a nonablative fractional laser. I did three of these treatments and I am so happy to say that my scar is no longer noticeable! I am so happy and much more confident wearing tops that show this area.

What is fractional laser resurfacing?

A laser that penetrates the dermal layer of the skin, heating up the targeted tissue cause microtrauma. The cells respond to this by stimulating the production of collagen (a protein that is found in the skin’s connective tissue) and this rejuvenates and renews the skin. In time, this fresh skin surfaces to the visible layers (hence the name ‘resurfacing’). This helps with fine lines, wrinkles, and scarring.

What is the downtime?

Q Esthetics uses a non-ablative fractional laser, meaning that it works internally leaving the outer layers of the skin unharmed. Some methods of resurfacing (such as C02 and Erbium) are ablative which means they are more invasive because they vaporize the outer layers of the skin and resurface it this way. The only downtime that I experienced was slight tingly/burning sensation for about 30 minutes and the scar became slightly more red for about 2 weeks.

How long does it take to see results?

Results will usually start to be seen within approximately 1 month, but full results are not seen until 3 months post treatment

Does the treatment take long to perform and is it safe?

The time of treatment is depended on how much space is being covered. Many clients come and have their whole face resurfaced for example, and this takes about 20 minutes from start to finish. The treatment for my small scar took less then 2 minutes to perform. The treatment is safe for all skin types!

How is mole removal done at Q Esthetics?

The health and safety of our clients is a number one priority at Q Esthetics and therefore, if a client feels their mole is of concern in any way (ABCDE), we encourage it to be looked at first by a dermatologist. If the mole is safe to remove, we use a method called Electrocautery. Electrocautery is an easy, efficient, virtually painless way of removing skin lesions. It is safe to use on all skin types, there is little downtime and best of all it leaves a little to no scar.

Emily McCormick

How to Prevent Acne Scars

How to Prevent Acne Scars

The Proactive Guide to Keeping a Fresh Face

While having acne can be a harrowing time in any teenager’s life, having acne scars results in lifelong embarrassment and self-consciousness. And while there are treatments available for getting rid of acne scars, they can be costly and a hassle to go through. A better option for eliminating acne scars is learning how to prevent them altogether. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure.

How to Prevent Acne Scars from Forming with Existing Acne

If you already have a breakout, here are some great tips that will help keep it a temporary nuisance by preventing acne scars from ever developing:

  • At the first sign of a breakout, start treating your acne right away. Cleanse the area daily with a mild, oil-free soap and use over-the-counter treatments or prescriptions from your doctor. Never ignore pimples and zits, waiting for them to go away on their own.
  • Of course, treating your pimples, zits and whiteheads doesn’t mean squeezing or popping – this process is to be left to the professionals! When performed by a skilled skin specialist, acne extractions can do wonders to clear up a breakout. Home extractions on the other hand, will usually have the opposite effect. When you pop or squeeze a pimple, the bacteria inside (often in the form of pus) can be forced deeper down into the follicle. This can create inflammation, a bigger pimple, infection and ultimately, scarring.
  • Likewise, don’t pick at scabs either. This should be common sense since virtually any scab you pick at—not just acne scabs—will cause scarring.
  • Further, don’t scrub the skin excessively, use harsh skin care products or do anything that will worsen the inflammation around your acne. Inflamed pimples and zits are more likely than non-inflamed breakouts to cause scarring.
  • Finally, if you’ve experienced acne scarring before, always consult your doctor during breakouts. This is especially true for larger, more serious breakouts such as cysts or deep nodules. These are the most dangerous types of acne when it comes to leaving scars since any infection will kill all the skin tissue around the acne. Doctors can easily help prevent this, but only if you go see them.

Taking it One Step Further—How to Avoid Acne Altogether

Of course, learning how to prevent acne scars wouldn’t be a big deal if you didn’t have to deal with the underlying cause of scarring: the acne itself. To take the preventative method one level deeper, try these simple ways you can prevent pimples, zits and breakouts from ever occurring:

  • Wash your face regularly with an anti-bacterial, oil-free soap. The soap should be mild and gentle on your skin, and not contain any scents or artificial coloring.
  • Avoid greasy foods, not only because touching your skin with greasy fingers can clog your pores, but the unhealthy side-effects of these food work on your body from the inside, creating an environment that is ripe for acne growth.
  • Avoid oil-based sunscreen, but do apply sunscreen regularly to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
  • Get enough sleep at night and exercise during the day. Sleep helps your body deal with bacterial infections while exercise will help you sweat, unclogging your pores.

As long as you are diligent, acne scars should be a thing of the past—not your future. To find out how you can get rid of existing acne scars, click here right now and don’t suffer from embarrassing blemishes and scarring for one more day.

I can walk out without makeup now

I can walk out without makeup now

I came to Q Esthetics for acne scar treatment on my cheeks. At 39, these scars still bother me and play with my self-confidence. I have spent countless amounts of money and tried a wide variety of treatments from peels, microdermabrasion, IPL, pro-fractional laser (ablative) and the results were very minimal.

So to everyone out there who shares the same experience please try a treatment of non-ablative laser resurfacing at this clinic, you will not be disappointed! After just one treatment I had 60% ++ results. It’s the best treatment for me. I can’t wait to see results from treatment number two! It’s expensive and a bit uncomfortable, but it’s WORTH it. I can walk out without makeup now because that’s just how confident I feel. Thank you Nazila.

Julie A. from EtobicokeLaser Acne Scar Removal (Feb.07, 2014)

Causes of Hypopigmentation

Causes of Hypopigmentation

Mature scars often appear hypopigmented compared to surrounding normal skin. The most common explanation of the hypopigmentation is that the areas affected have decreased melanocyte numbers compared to the surrounding skin. However, recent immunohisto-chemical analyses by Velangi et al demonstrated preservation of epidermal melanocytes within scar tissue. Their findings raise the possibility that hypopigmentation of scars may not simply be due to a decrease in melanocyte number but rather an optical effect due to alterations in collagen and microvasculature. These studies also laid the theoretical foundation for using lasers and phototherapy devices to repigment scars.