Vitamin B12 Injections
Commonly referred to as the “energy vitamin”, B12 is a vitamin that helps support the body’s metabolism. It is a very important vitamin for a healthy brain and immune system. The metabolism cannot function well without it, so among other signs, lack of B12 in our systems can lead to weight gain. B12 injections are the most common procedures at Q Esthetics.
Vitamin B12
Many of us are not getting enough B12, and are feeling the effects. Unfortunately, even when a person’s diet is rich in B12 or if they take a daily supplement, they may still be lacking, as vitamin B12 can be difficult to absorb orally. As we get older, our stomachs typically produce less acid, and stomach acid is essential for effective B12 absorption. As well, some prescription heartburn medications can block B12 absorption. Women who take oral contraceptives for a long time will tend to have trouble absorbing vitamin B12. When “the pill” is high in estrogen, studies have shown that this is linked with B12 and folate deficiency. If you are taking the pill, it is a good idea to ask your primary care doctor about supplementing with B12.
B12 is an effective supplement to boost weight loss. Low energy is a common problem. If you feel tired more often and wish that you had more energy and alertness, you are not alone. B12 will help your body convert carbohydrates into glucose, which can then be burned in order to produce more energy and help break down fats. When they have an increase in energy, most patients will note an improvement in their overall well-being, and will be more successful in reaching a healthy weight. Even those who do not have diagnosed anemia, often find short-term and long-term energy increases with B12 injections.
A vitamin B deficiency has been linked to mental health problems including depression. Some studies have indicated that people suffering from depression respond better to medication when they have healthy levels of vitamin B12 in their systems.
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How does B12 Injections work?
B12 has also been effective for treating stress. The increased energy that it brings helps our body respond better to stress, as well as boosting the immune system, which helps the body to respond to stress and keep the mood balanced. The B12 injection bypasses the digestive system completely when given through this route, which means that the vitamin is easily absorbed into the blood stream and you can start reaping the benefits immediately. Within a couple days after receiving B12 injections, patients often report an increase in their energy and stamina levels. Shots can be taken bi-monthly or monthly. All B vitamins are water-soluble, so the body does not store them, and luckily, if you take too much it simply exits through your urine.
B12 injections are quick and easy to receive, typically injected into the thick muscle of the upper arm. Most people do not like injections at all but find that this is quick and relatively painless. An ice pack applied prior to injection also helps to dull the sensation and ease discomfort. There is no downtime after this procedure, and you may return to work or daily activities immediately.
Who is B12 injection for?
Feeling easily tired and weak, or having mood swings and memory loss or brain fog are some of the signs that your diet could be lacking in B12, or that your absorption is low. Vitamin B12 is found naturally in only animal derived products such as eggs, meat, fish, dairy, and shellfish. Beef, turkey, chicken, oysters, salmon, and trout are all high in naturally occurring B12. A serving of each will deliver close to the daily-recommended amount. If your diet consists primarily of plant-based foods like fruits, veggies, beans, and meat substitutes- as many vegetarian or vegan diets do, then you will be at risk for B12 deficiency. In fact, vegans really need to take a B12 supplement or fortified food products in order to stay healthy.
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What can I expect during and after B12 injections?
Pernicious anemia is a type of anemia that results when a person’s stomach cells do not create intrinsic factor, and without this the body is unable to absorb vitamin B12. Symptoms of pernicious anemia include: Excessive weakness, Pale skin, Diarrhea, Weight loss, Fever, Numbness or tingling sensation in the hands and feet, Imbalance, Confusion, Memory loss, and Mood swings.
Vitamin B12 supplements are prescribed in high doses to treat pernicious anemia. This can be a dangerous condition, so if you experience these symptoms, it is recommended that you be evaluated and treated by a doctor. Likewise, various prescription medications may affect B12 levels or B12 may interfere with their action. If you take prescription medication, talk with your doctor about the safety of combining these treatments.
We welcome you to consult with one of our specialists today to determine if this is a viable treatment option to help reach your health goals. Your one-on-one private and complimentary consultation will allow you to share questions and concerns while receiving a recommended treatment plan. Call one of Q Esthetics Laser Clinics 3 convenient locations today to set up your appointment.
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B12 Injections Toronto
Here at Q Esthetics, with a team including cosmetic doctors and nurses, we offer B12 injections to hundreds of patients each and every year in Toronto, North York, Scarborough, Thornhill, Brampton, Etobicoke, Mississauga, Markham, Richmond Hill, Woodbridge, Vaughan, Newmarket and other surrounding areas of the GTA. Our experienced medical staff will thoroughly examine your complexion to ensure the right B12 injection options are offered to you for your specific needs.
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