Myths or misconceptions about laser treatments
Laser could damage or thin the skin. With technological advancements and procedures, the possibility of permanent damage has been reduced substantially. However, it is really important to be treated by an experienced laser technician for the best outcome.
One or two treatments is all you need to remove body hair. Hair grows in different stages. To remove body hair permanently, we need multiple treatments to catch the hair in the right growing stage, that is why by every treatment we destroy a certain percentage of hair roots.
Dark skin can not be treated by laser. This was true many years ago when laser technology was different. Nowadays, we can treat all skin types for all different reasons with great results. At Q Esthetics laser clinic we have done a great job treating all skin types with superb outcomes.
Laser resurfacing is all the same. Laser resurfacing technology and techniques vary. We could either do an ablative resurfacing like CO2 laser or target skin from inside and do a non-ablative resurfacing which works great without much reaction. We could do a non-ablative resurfacing on scars from acne, surgery, cut, etc…
Nazila Nateghi