Mens Skincare 101: perfect your mug in four easy steps

Mens Skincare 101: perfect your mug in four easy steps

These days it seems to be all about aesthetics; the grooming industry is at its pinnacle and great skin is in!

While this multi billion dollar industry is indeed dominated by women, there has been a significant rise in men who are taking more of an interest in their appearance.

Maybe you’ve heard about the new ‘Brotox’ fad? The hype is all about men who swear by Botox injections as part of their anti-aging regimen.

While routine injections may seem like extreme measures for your average Joe, the popularity in men’s skincare has become a priority and focus for guys all over the globe.

We know that serums, eye creams and cleansers can seem foreign and overwhelming to a newbie, so we’re here to make your life easier! Here are the basics for putting your best face forward:

Wash your face

That doesn’t sound so hard does it? There IS a catch though:
Say goodbye to your bar soap. Bar soap is probably one of the worst things you can use on your face. Your facial skin is not the same as the skin on your body. While your favourite soap may leave you feeling fresh and clean, it can wreak havoc on your face.

Bar soaps strip your face of its natural oils and throw off your PH levels which can cause your skin to go into overdrive to make up for the lack of moisture.

What does that mean?

Extra dry skin, aggravation of skin conditions such as eczema and rosacea, or an abnormal buildup of sebum oil. Probably not the look you’re going for.

What can you do?

Use a cleanser! Find a cleanser that works with your skin type to keep your PH levels balanced and your skin squeaky clean.

We recommend using Total Wash Face & Body Cleanser by PCA Skin. Suitable for all skin types, this cleanser is formulated to keep your skin smooth while preventing irritation caused by shaving.

Try a Serum

Now that you’re comfortable with using a cleanser, here’s a little known trick for your face that produce maximum benefits: serum.

What is serum?

Essentially, it’s a booster. Basically a serum is able to penetrate into all three layers of the skin while a moisturizer alone only absorbs into the first layer. Serums have a high level of active ingredients, each specially formulated to target your individual skin concerns.

A daily routine using a serum under your moisturizer will show improvements in as little as one week!

To get you started, we recommend following your cleanser with PCA Skin’s Total Strength Line & Pore Minimizer. After cleansing and shaving, apply two pumps to your entire face and neck. For maximum skin strengthening, be sure to use twice daily!


With all of the pollution, UV rays and extreme temperatures; your face really takes a beating. As a result, environmental conditions can cause your skin to become dry, flakey and irritated.

Moisturizing your skin on a daily basis is essential for everyone. It helps to increase skin cell regeneration, promote hydration and not to mention the barrier it creates to block damaging weather conditions that can cause premature wrinkles.

Choosing a good moisturizer for your skin can seem overwhelming, however, once you determine what type of skin you have, that will help you to narrow it down.
As a rule of thumb: the richer the texture, the more hydrating the moisturizer. If you tend to feel tight and flakey, you probably have dry skin and a rich cream will work wonders for you.

If you notice your face is always shiny, your pores are large and you often break out, chances are you have oily skin. A medicated moisturizer or gel based moisturizer may be the best fit.

Normal skin doesn’t produce excessive oil, feel tight or flaky. If you have normal skin, your pores aren’t super noticeable and you may experience minimal shine across your T-zone. Products that bring hydration into the skin while balancing the PH level work best for this skin type.

There are many combinations that you may fall into and that is why we recommend starting with a free consultation. We are here to help! Our trained skincare specialists will create a regimen specifically designed for your skin.

Sun Protection

Whatever the skin type, no matter the regimen, SPF is one product you mustn’t forget. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays will not only prevent visible signs of aging and sunspots; it will also help to prevent you from developing skin cancer.

We recommend the Elta MD line for optimal protection. This medical grade SPF will shield your face while also hydrating, tinting or clearing acne depending on the product you choose.

Sticking to a skin care routine can seem daunting and overwhelming, but once you reap all the benefits, you will wish you started sooner!

The Clear Skin Solution

The Clear Skin Solution

Let’s face it: acne is no fun and it doesn’t discriminate. Over 85% of people between the ages of 12-25 suffer from this unsightly skin condition which can leave them feeling self conscious and depressed.

While there are many causes and factors to consider, luckily there are also a variety of solutions:

1. Choose Breathable Makeup

If you insist on wearing makeup to conceal your acne, it is essential that you use the proper cover-up to ensure you aren’t perpetuating the state of your skin.

Look for products that are non-comedogenic and breathable. At Q Esthetics, we recommend Lycogel Breathable Camouflage. This hypoallergenic makeup promotes skin repair, while disguising your blemishes.

2. Clean your screen

Living in the age of technology means we are constantly attached to our smart phones. With all the texting, tweeting and tagging, our phones are the one thing we incessantly touch before and after contact with germ-infested door handles, buzzers, bathrooms and common objects.

It’s no wonder that a simple act like answering the phone can cause major damage to an already acne-prone face.

Keep your screen clean, use Bluetooth or speakerphone where possible and practice holding your phone slightly away from your face. It could make all the difference for your skin.

3. Quality over Quantity

If you’re suffering from acne, chances are you’ve tried everything. It’s easy to spend a small fortune on drugstore brands that just don’t get to the source.

Make sure to consult with a skincare professional to help get you started on an acne system. Many skin care clinics carry medical grade products that are considerably more active then anything you can purchase at your local drugstore.

Although these skin care systems can be more costly, they are sure to be more effective in their delivery of active ingredients – thus saving you money in the long run.

4. Be Consistent

Everyone wants instant gratification; however, good things come to those who wait! Eliminating acne takes time and consistency.

It’s important that you develop a strict skincare regimen if you want to reap all the benefits. Results won’t be optimal until after a full cycle of skin-cell turnover occurs. This can take between 6-8 weeks, so don’t be discouraged if you aren’t getting the results you want over night. Consistency is the key to clear skin.

5. Seek Treatment

So you’ve tried everything and now you’re ready to pull out the big guns? Laser acne treatments are a highly effective way of targeting the active acne by eliminating blemish-causing bacteria and slowing down overactive sebaceous glands. Many clients start to see improvement in as little as a single session. Laser treatments are a powerful way to terminate your acne issues altogether, with no downtime.

Remember: Nothing lasts forever and there is no reason your acne has to!

I’ve never had this shiny and smooth skin

I’ve never had this shiny and smooth skin

“I’ve been suffering from pimples for almost a year. Ever since we moved here to Canada. I’ve tried every single possible acne treatment (over the counter or those expensive ones) nothing really made my skin better. Possibly, it only made my face worse until I tried visiting Q Esthetics. Marcela O. recommended me to use Obagi Clenziderm Acne Treatment System. She also advised me to eat “real” foods (fish, veggies, fruits) plus my healthy living routines and voila! In just 1 week (I swear) it looks so so much better than the first day/time we met. I should have took a photo to prove it to you. Nevertheless, I am very much grateful for this. I’ve never had this shiny and smooth skin. I hope to maintain it in the future by the help of my specialist and Q Esthetics :)”

Trizia Erica CasimiroTorontoAcne Treatment

July 19, 2014

See What Confidence Looks Like

See What Confidence Looks Like

Watch how 2 women’s commitment to Obagi has given them more than just beautiful, healthy-looking skin—they’ve also achieved the glowing confidence that comes with it.

Meet Jennifer

Busy mom of 3, Jennifer struggled with skin issues that affected her self-confidence. Then she was introduced to the Obagi Nu-Derm® System by her dermatologist to help treat her new skin concerns. See how her commitment to Obagi has given her the confidence to once again feel comfortable and beautiful in her skin.

Meet Meredith

Growing up in the 70s, Meredith didn’t put much emphasis on proper skin care. But today, as an active 41-year-old spending a lot of her time outdoors, Meredith understands the importance of investing in the health of her skin. Watch the video to see how Meredith’s commitment to Obagi-C® Rx has helped her achieve beautiful, healthy-looking skin and glowing confidence that others have noticed.

My sun spots disappeared

My sun spots disappeared

“I was really impressed with how quickly my sun spots disappeared.
What I appreciate most is that the technician told me I would require 2-3
treatments and she was spot on!

The staff is also very friendly, always smiling and polite, plus I found
Q Esthetics very accommodating. I would definitely refer friends and family here”

Alissa R.TorontoSun Spot Treatment

July 17, 2014

The ABC’s of Vitamins

The ABC’s of Vitamins

Not a pill popper? That’s okay. Your skin generally likes it better when you slather on the vitamins anyway!

We know you want to achieve or maintain that youthful glow, so here are the A, B and C’s of vital skin care supplements:

Vitamin A: Anti-aging

Derivatives of this powerful wrinkle warrior are called retinoids which are a game changer for your skin care regimen.

Not only is Vitamin A amazing for smoothing fine lines, it also combats hyperpigmentation, helps to slough away dead skin cells, and fights acne.
I’m sure you’ve all heard people rave about their retinols before and that’s because they may be the only reliable wrinkle reducer on the market.

Q Tip: PCA Skin’s Intensive Clarity Treatment pairs 0.5% pure retinol with phytic acid. Apply at night, before you hit the hay to promote an even skin tone and flawless complexion.

Vitamin B: Beautiful

An essential ingredient for diminishing dryness, Vitamin B is known for giving your skin a healthy, beautiful glow by improving texture, balance and moisture retention. This multi-purpose vitamin will illuminate a dull complexion, treat eczema, and vastly reduce pigmentation issues. Vitamin B is also known for aiding and preventing skin lesions and conditions such as vitiligo.

Q Tip: PCA Skin’s Hydrating Serum combines a specialized blend of antioxidants and humectants to leave skin soft and hydrated. Loaded with vitamin B3, this lightweight serum will provide maximum hydration and supple skin. After cleansing, apply evenly to entire face and neck in the morning and evening for the ultimate in skin hydration.

Vitamin C: Collagen

This potent antioxidant is essential to any skin care regimen. Vitamin C is known for its collagen boosting benefits, resulting in firmer, more elastic skin. While lightening and brightening your complexion, this powerful nutrient has not only proven to protect against free radicals, but it also helps to reverse DNA damage; thus dissolving the appearance of surface spots on the skin.

Q Tip: Use Obagi Professional-C Serum 15% to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This blend of vitamin C and L-absorbic acid will detox, hydrate and strengthen your skin. After cleansing and toning, apply 5 to 7 drops to entire face and neck in the morning, before sunscreen for maximum benefits.

Study: Teens Fear Wrinkles More Than Skin Cancer

Study: Teens Fear Wrinkles More Than Skin Cancer

The possibility of skin cancer would seem to be a strong motivator to use sunscreen, but maybe not for young people. One new study found that teens may be more worried about how they will look as they age, rather than the possibility of cancer.

The research team used sunscreen education that focused on either health concerns such as skin cancer or appearance changes such as wrinkles. Students retained the same amount of information through either technique.

The study showed that teens were more inclined to use sunscreen after seeing how UV exposure from the sun can alter their appearance than they were after learning about skin cancer risks.

This study was including April W. Armstrong, MD, MPH, investigator at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and vice chair of Clinical Research at the CU School of Medicine Department of Dermatology.

5 Ways To Naturally Get Rid Of Cellulite

5 Ways To Naturally Get Rid Of Cellulite

Cellulite is one of those words that becomes contagious among women: As soon as one woman points out a part of her body she feels insecure about, the rest of her girlfriends begin to share. Many women will admit to tirelessly standing in front of the mirror to pinch the dreaded “orange peel” or “cottage cheese,” desperate for a solution to smooth away the lumps. But there’s a natural way to beat the fat at home without the expensive creams and beauty treatments. Try these five cellulite-busting tricks:

1. Add Flaxseed to Your Breakfast and Snacks to Boost Collagen

Flaxseed is considered one of the best anti-cellulite foods to consume because it’s rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that help hydrate cells by pushing water into dehydrated cells, which works to keep water in by rebuilding the cell membranes. Consuming these fatty acids can help reduce the appearance of cellulite over time. Moreover, the food boosts collagen growth — the main component of connective tissue — as it strengthens the skin, says the University of Maryland Medical Center, and as a result, smooths away fat buildup.

Tip: Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of flaxseed on oatmeal, cereal, or yogurt.

2. Consume Gelatin to Tighten Loose Skin

The ignored Jell-O box hiding in the back corner of the pantry could hold the key to eliminating the “orange peel” from your body. This does not mean you should go on a Jell-O-only diet but rather opt for healthy recipes with tons of this main ingredient. Gelatin — largely comprised of amino acids glycine and proline — promote good skin, hair, and nail growth and also gives your immune system a boost while aiding in weight regulation. This superfood tightens loose skin and improves elasticity, which is essential for keeping cellulite in check.

3. Kelp Can Help Beat the Fat

Kelp, more commonly known as seaweed, has a high content of essential nutrients that can improve your immunity, lower your blood pressure, and even help you lose weight. The iodine-rich food can help keep you fit and healthy by normalizing an underactive thyroid gland, which is associated with excess weight gain and cellulite via water retention. A study published in the journal Food Chemistry found alginate — a compound found in common seaweed —– can help stop the body from absorbing fat by blocking the action of the digestive enzyme, pancreatic lipase.

4. Drink Up to 10 Glasses of Water a Day to Keep Cellulite at Bay

In order for the body to function properly, it must be replenished with water by consuming beverages and foods that contain water. However, for the sake of eliminating cellulite, stick to just H2O. Drinking anywhere from eight to 10 glasses of water a day may sound extreme, but the Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) a day. This helps flush out the toxins in the body that hide in the fat layers of the skin, which makes cellulite more visible. Hydrating the body will make your skin plump and less lumpy.

5. Sip on White Tea to Reduce Inflammation

The breakdown of collagen and elastic are responsible for the accumulation of cellulite that begins to camp out on the body. White tea helps you keep the top layer of skin overlying your fat layer healthy and thick. This prevents the lumpy appearance of the underlying fat cells, and therefore, reduces the appearance of cellulite. The tea’s antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can also promote weight loss.

Remember, these five natural treatments are meant to reduce the appearance of cellulite, since a cure does not currently exist.

The 4 Things You Don’t Know About Face Oils

The 4 Things You Don’t Know About Face Oils

Those tiny bottles of oil that promise a youthful complexion are not of the snake variety anymore. Dermatologist David Colbert, the founder of Colbert M.D. Skincare, who has studied the skin-care and anti-aging benefits of face oils for 15 years, explains how they benefit the skin.


“Many botanical oils, including argan, passion fruit, and African marula oils, are potent antioxidants. In the morning, massage a few drops onto clean skin, wait two minutes, and apply sunscreen or foundation as usual.”


“Oils can prevent the irritation caused by some anti-aging ingredients. Argan, yangu, and borage-seed oils all decrease inflammation. Smooth one on after your nightly anti-aging treatment. A few drops will be enough to cover your face and calm the skin.”


“In your late 30s, wrinkles suddenly look deeper because the skin’s natural oils decrease, the moisture barrier breaks down, and the skin dries out. Most creams contain a little oil, but not enough to make a big difference in water loss. Because oils are lipophilic, or fat loving, they pass though the lipid layer of the skin faster, preventing water loss and plumping skin with moisture more effectively. Olive and coconut oils are great moisturizers.”


“If you apply an oil before your anti-aging cream, the oil molecules behave like tiny Trojan horses, tricking the skin into letting active ingredients—like retinol, glycolic acid, and vitamin C—deeper into the skin and closer to the collagen-producing fibroblasts, all without irritating the surface.”

How to Prevent Acne Scars

How to Prevent Acne Scars

The Proactive Guide to Keeping a Fresh Face

While having acne can be a harrowing time in any teenager’s life, having acne scars results in lifelong embarrassment and self-consciousness. And while there are treatments available for getting rid of acne scars, they can be costly and a hassle to go through. A better option for eliminating acne scars is learning how to prevent them altogether. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure.

How to Prevent Acne Scars from Forming with Existing Acne

If you already have a breakout, here are some great tips that will help keep it a temporary nuisance by preventing acne scars from ever developing:

  • At the first sign of a breakout, start treating your acne right away. Cleanse the area daily with a mild, oil-free soap and use over-the-counter treatments or prescriptions from your doctor. Never ignore pimples and zits, waiting for them to go away on their own.
  • Of course, treating your pimples, zits and whiteheads doesn’t mean squeezing or popping – this process is to be left to the professionals! When performed by a skilled skin specialist, acne extractions can do wonders to clear up a breakout. Home extractions on the other hand, will usually have the opposite effect. When you pop or squeeze a pimple, the bacteria inside (often in the form of pus) can be forced deeper down into the follicle. This can create inflammation, a bigger pimple, infection and ultimately, scarring.
  • Likewise, don’t pick at scabs either. This should be common sense since virtually any scab you pick at—not just acne scabs—will cause scarring.
  • Further, don’t scrub the skin excessively, use harsh skin care products or do anything that will worsen the inflammation around your acne. Inflamed pimples and zits are more likely than non-inflamed breakouts to cause scarring.
  • Finally, if you’ve experienced acne scarring before, always consult your doctor during breakouts. This is especially true for larger, more serious breakouts such as cysts or deep nodules. These are the most dangerous types of acne when it comes to leaving scars since any infection will kill all the skin tissue around the acne. Doctors can easily help prevent this, but only if you go see them.

Taking it One Step Further—How to Avoid Acne Altogether

Of course, learning how to prevent acne scars wouldn’t be a big deal if you didn’t have to deal with the underlying cause of scarring: the acne itself. To take the preventative method one level deeper, try these simple ways you can prevent pimples, zits and breakouts from ever occurring:

  • Wash your face regularly with an anti-bacterial, oil-free soap. The soap should be mild and gentle on your skin, and not contain any scents or artificial coloring.
  • Avoid greasy foods, not only because touching your skin with greasy fingers can clog your pores, but the unhealthy side-effects of these food work on your body from the inside, creating an environment that is ripe for acne growth.
  • Avoid oil-based sunscreen, but do apply sunscreen regularly to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
  • Get enough sleep at night and exercise during the day. Sleep helps your body deal with bacterial infections while exercise will help you sweat, unclogging your pores.

As long as you are diligent, acne scars should be a thing of the past—not your future. To find out how you can get rid of existing acne scars, click here right now and don’t suffer from embarrassing blemishes and scarring for one more day.