Blog Shows How Scary Celebs Look Close Up

Blog Shows How Scary Celebs Look Close Up

Even Gwyneth Paltrow has unflattering photos.
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On top of being beautiful, celebrities have teams of makeup artists to get their skin and cosmetics looking flawless. Thank goodness for the great equalizer: unflattering photos. A Tumblr blog called Celebrity Close-up shows life-size head shots of celebs under bright lights and reveals what your average red carpet photo cannot: blotchy skin, crooked lipstick applications, cold sores, crooked teeth, freckles, and bad nose jobs.

It’s not that we like tearing down celebrities–it’s just refreshing to know they too have undereye circles and pimples covered up with concealer. This blog is proof that everyone from Angelina Jolie to Gwyneth Paltrow is capable of taking a bad photo. And that Kim Kardashian wears so much makeup she looks like a living mannequin. (Seriously, look at the picture below, it’s insane.)

Intrigued? Check out Celebrity Close-Up for hundreds of surprising celeb photos. We’ll confess we spent about 30 minutes gawking at shots of Mick Jagger (really wrinkled), Anna Wintour (big pores), and Jennifer Lopez (still flawless).