30 Top Beauty Tricks for Your Best Skin Ever

30 Top Beauty Tricks for Your Best Skin Ever

From adult acne to dry skin to cellulite, we’ve got you covered with 30 tips for every ailment you can think of.

1. Lotion Up

Daily moisturizing is the best defense against dry skin. Applying lotion right after you step out of the shower seals in the moisture that your skin has just absorbed. And since hands are often the first indicators of aging, invest in a heavy moisturizer to keep in your bag, car, and office.

2. Green Giants

“Greens like spinach and arugula are packed with naturally occurring antioxidants,” says Robyn Flipse, MS, RD. For a radiant and blemish-free complexion, add a side salad to your lunch or dinner.

3. Healing Honey

Jodi Ranson, an esthetician at Utah’s Golden Door Spa, recommends honey for taking care for dry, cracked lips. “It helps to heal wounds and hydrate parched skin, plus the anti-viral properties make it a good cold sore remedy, too.”

4. Wrinkle Eraser

“Topical retinoids have been shown to improve the skin’s texture and the appearance of fine lines,” says NYC-based dermatologist Dr. Ariel Ostad. “So, for women looking for potent anti-agers, retinol is the one must-have ingredient to help keep skin young.”

5. Sun Stopper

Stop stretch marks and scars from getting darker with sun exposure by slathering them with a thick layer of sunscreen. Apply a scar-minimizing topical at night to repair damaged tissue while you slumber.

6. Chatty Cathy

Yakking away on your cell phone for hours can lead to breakouts and rashes along your jaw line and cheek. Keep antibacterial wipes handy to swipe your phone clean and help your skin stay clear.

7. A Little Omega

“A Mediterranean diet full of fish, fruit, vegetables, olive oil, and tea provides the skin with the good omega fatty acids,” says Dr. Macrene Alexiades, director of an NYC-based research clinic and private laser and aesthetic dermatology practice. “This diet also has the antioxidants your skin needs to maintain a healthy glow and reverse sun damage.”

8. Product Prevention

We know you don’t apply hair products to your face, but the residue can end up there anyway. Next time you apply hairspray, cover your face with a clean towel to protect your skin. Also, use a sweatband when you hit the gym to keep the products from dripping down when you begin to sweat.

9. Sleep In

Not getting enough Zzz’s can cause stress, which leads to breakouts and a dull complexion. Bottom line: Don’t deprive your body and skin of sleep-it uses that time to regenerate and recover from your day-to-day activities.

10. Sun Shield

Squinting in the sun can contribute to those crow’s feet, so always sport sunglasses with UV protection. Those with light-colored eyes have heightened light sensitivity, but brown-eyed beauties should shade their peepers, too.

11. Say Ahhh..

“Whether it’s a facial, massage, or even a pedicure, be sure to pamper yourself,” says Dr. Howard Murad, founder of Murad Skincare. “Your health and appearance are positively influenced by increasing your emotional and mental well-being. A visit to the spa is a foolproof way to promote stress relief and relaxation.”

12. Eye Care

The skin around your eyes is the thinnest, so it shows the first signs of aging. Even if you’re in your 20s, preventative care now will keep your eyes looking healthy for years to come.

13. Scrub-a-Dub

“When you exfoliate, you’re evening out the skin’s surface by revealing fresh cells underneath,” says Annet King, director of Global Education at the International Dermal Institute and Dermalogica. “Exfoliate regularly to remove the dead, complexion-dulling skin cells that can give you a dull appearance.”

14. Milk Maid

Add a few cups of milk to your next bath to take advantage of its lactic acid, a natural skin-softener. Darrell McCurtain, a therapist at the Golden Door Spa, suggests throwing in a few teaspoons of honey for an anti-bacterial bonus.

15. Don’t Sweat It

When your body heats up, sweating helps it keep your core temperature down. Unfortunately, this can irritate skin and cause breakouts. To remedy, look for a body wash that lists salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide as an ingredient on the label.

16. Vitamin Boost

Avocados contain healthy fats and vitamins C and E to keep skin plump, bright, and hydrated. Keep a sliced one in your work fridge for a super-quick snack.

17. Superfoods

“Carrots and tomatoes are stocked with phytonutrients and antioxidants, both of which protect against damaging free radicals,” says Robyn Flipse, MS, RD. “The beta carotene and lycopene found in them also protect your skin from sun damage and repair skin cells.”

18. Flip Over

“Sleeping in certain positions may result in sleep lines,” according to The American Academy of Dermatology. After a while, these lines can turn into deep-set wrinkles, so hit the sheets backside-first.

19. Smoke Signals

There are thousands of reasons why smoking is bad for you, but did you know second-hand smoke can also be harmful to your skin? Though you may not be lighting up, being around smokers can cause skin sagging and speed up the wrinkle process.

20. Bust a Move

Need yet another reason to work out? Exercise gives your face a healthy glow by increasing blood flow. And when you sweat, it clears the body of toxins and removes dead skins cells so new ones can grow. Without regular exercise you may see an increase in age spots, so grab your running shoes and hit the gym.

21. Wax Off

“The hair in the bikini area tends to be coarse and thick, which is ideal for waxing,” says Katherine Goldman, owner of Stript Bar Wax in San Francisco. “Plus, since the hair is pulled out from the root, it grows back thinner over time.” As if you needed another reason to get a bikini wax

22. Chill Out

Cucumber slices may be the international symbol for eye de-puffers, but anything that’s chilly will work to tone down darkness and bags. The coldness restricts blood vessels, which reduces swelling and puffiness. Limit your application of bag-erasers to about five minutes to get the best results.

23. Hands Off

We know it’s tempting to mess with that pimple, but resistance is key. Popping and picking at the skin on your face will push dirt and bacteria deeper into pores, which only results in more breakouts.

24. Tone up

“Toners are a handy product to keep in your arsenal to help balance pH levels in your skin,” says Jennifer Yen, founder of Purlisse Skincare. “Look for ones that are free of irritants like alcohol, fragrance, citrus, menthol, color, and other aggressive extracts.”

25. Hydrate

Your skin needs more water than you normally drink, so look for products with sodium hyaluronate, more commonly known as hyaluronic acid, to help bring it to a normal pH level.

26. Lotion in Moderation

Laying on the lotion is good for your skin, right? Not quite. “Over moisturizing can cause you to break out, and can even give you milia, the tiny white spots that are formed when dead skin cells get trapped,” says Dr. Debra Jailman, M.D., a New York City dermatologist. So, think twice before you slather.

27. Rest Up

“Skin cells are some of the most rapidly rejuvenating cells in the body. Take away adequate rest, and they suffer,” says Colorado-based dermatologist Dr. Meg Lemon. “The body depends on sleep for every single thing it does. When skin cells don’t turn over quickly enough, our skin looks dull and lifeless, and so do we.”

28. Ban Bumps

Do you have little red bumps on the backs of your arms? You’re most likely suffering from keratosis pilaris-a common condition that stems from blocked hair follicles. Abrasive scrubbing can exacerbate symptoms, so try using a lotion with alpha- or beta-hydroxy acids to dissolve the bumps.

29. Lemon Head

A brighter complexion is on everyone’s wishlist, but the trick to getting one is easier than you might think. “Rub a lemon on your face!” suggests C.O. Bigelow proprietor Ian Ginsberg.

30. Fishy Foods

“Foods like salmon, herring, and trout provide our skin with oils that lubricate cells and reduce inflammation,” says Lisa Drayer, MA, RD, nutritionist and author of The Beauty Diet: Looking Great Has Never Been So Delicious. “They are also heavy in omega-3 fatty acids, which play a key role in keeping our skin smooth.”

15 Surprising Things that Age Your Skin

15 Surprising Things that Age Your Skin

Healthy, glowing skin is usually beauty priority number one for women, so we’ve rounded up the most surprising bad skin habits you need to kick to the curb.

#1. Coffee

Caffeine is a major culprit when it comes to dry skin. Avoid the magnification of wrinkles and instead, quench skin by drinking lots of H2O. To make sipping on water more enticing, add fruit slices like orange or lemon to enhance the flavor.

#2. Skipping Meals

While dropping those last few pounds may be number one on your priority list, make sure you do it the right way. Skipping meals can cause skin to age faster and dry out more quickly. Always try to include vitamins C (oranges), B3 (peanuts), E (avocados), and A (sweet potatoes) in your meals to build up your skin’s health.

#3. Not Drinking Enough Water

It’s true, 8 glasses a day will keep your wrinkles away! Hydrating yourself daily will not only help to fight off aging, but also gives your skin a healthy glow. Skip the water, and you’ll be stuck with rough and ‘shrunken’ skin.

#4. Yo-Yo Dieting

Sticking to a diet is not an easy task. Between work, social life, and down time it’s not always easy to maintain one weight. However constant yo-yo dieting can negatively impact your skin–frequent weight gain and loss can cause the fibers in skin to loosen over time creating stretch marks and sag.

#5. Not Enough Sleep

Need an excuse to feel better about pressing the snooze button? Getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night will not only help you look refreshed, but it will also replenish and rehydrate skin. Not getting a good night’s sleep can result in dull skin and clogged pores.

#6. Missing the Eye Doc Appointment

Skipped your annual optometrist appointment? It’s time to pencil it into your calendar. Wearing outdated contacts and glasses will cause you to squint more, and in turn, lead to fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes. To avoid unnecessary ageing, make sure you visit your eye doctor at least once a year.

#7. Bad Lipstick

With three to five cellular layers of skin that rest upon lips, make sure your beauty regime includes them too! Dried out lips not only look bad, but also causes them to age faster. Look for lipsticks and lip balm that contain petrolatum, dimethicone, and glycerine to help keep your smackers hydrated!

#8. Dead Skin

You know when you can’t put down the loofah and scrub because it just feels so gosh darn good? We won’t lie, we’ve been there. We love a refreshing scrub every now and then, but over exfoliating can strip your skin of its necessary oils it needs to maintain your natural glow. Exfoliate skin once a week to keep it healthy.

#9. Frowning

Constant movements of the muscles in your skin from facial expressions are what lead to frown lines. To give your skin a rest, try avoiding scrunching and pouting of the face which will cause permanent wrinkles and lines in your skin.

#10. Stressing

Consider stress the heavy weight knock out when it comes to your skin. Not only can it cause blemishes, acne, dullness and rashes… but stress lines from facial movements will also ingrain in your skin over time. Best way to avoid stress? Take time to do something you enjoy like yoga, read a book, cook, or take a walk.

#11. Candy

Dear Sugar, it’s not you, it’s me… I’ll miss you! We know breaking up is hard to do, but keep in mind when you intake excess sugar it hurts the collagen nestled in your skin leaving you with sag. Fight your sweet tooth with organic fruits like pineapple or mango.

#12. Skipping the Gym

Exercise seems to be the cure for almost everything these days and rightfully so! Exercising helps to increase blood flow and give your face a healthy glow. In addition, it also cleans the body of toxins which are expelled during perspiration and cleanses dead skins cells allowing new ones to grow. Without regular exercise you may see an increase in age spots, so lace up those sneakers and hit the pavement.

#13. Driving

The seat-belt tan may be a girl’s biggest pet peeve in the summer months, but what you don’t know is that those sunburns on your arm add up! Since your left arm is always exposed to more sun when driving, make sure to lather up with extra sun block on that side. The same rules apply to those who are riding in the passenger seat with their right arm exposed.

#14. The Sauna

Bad news for all your spa buffs out there. Keep your sauna and steam room usage to a minimum. These spa treats can cause sagging (as they break down elasticity and natural collagen in the skin) over time.

#15. Too Much Makeup

Leaving the house without makeup on may feel like you’re walking around naked for a few minutes, but after awhile it’s kind of refreshing! Allowing your skin to breathe will help prevent clogged pores and breakouts while avoiding premature aging. So take a walk on the wild side – ditch your makeup every now and then.

What Your Favorite Holiday Foods Can Do to Your Complexion

What Your Favorite Holiday Foods Can Do to Your Complexion

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You already know what the holidays can do to your waistline (that’s what elastic waistbands are for this time of year, right?), but they can also wreck serious havoc on your appearance. We asked Real Beauty expert, Dr. Bank what the most common holiday food offenders are and how to stop them from harming your complexion this season.

Salty Snacks: Everyone’s eyes look a little swollen in the morning, but chowing down on salty foods (like mini hotdogs and Swedish meatballs) can cause water retention, which, in turn, leaves you with bigger bags than normal. If you know you’re going to be going on a salt binge, make sure to keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water to prevent puffy eyes and bloating.

A Fatty Dinner: If you pile your plate with prime rib, buttery mashed potatoes, and stuffing (and enjoy several nights of leftovers), you’re asking for acne. According to Dr. Bank, eating a lot of fatty (and sugary) food can trigger an increase in insulin production, which ramps up your body’s production of the male hormone, androgen. Androgen is responsible for excessive sebum production, and as you know, sebum clogs pores and attracts bacteria, resulting in acne. But this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your seasonal favorites. Be mindful of portion control and you can still enjoy everything on the table.

Dessert Overload: From pumpkin pie with whipped cream to sweet potato casserole with marshmallows, the holidays are an endless parade of sugary treats. But know that going overboard at dessert time can mean premature aging, sagging skin, and wrinkles, says Dr. Banks. Excess sugar is linked with a natural process called glycation, where blood sugar attaches to proteins and results in Advanced Glyacting End products (AGEs). AGE molecules cause premature aging, dull skin, and sagging skin. The increased AGE molecules also cause skin to be more susceptible to sun damage, because AGE molecules deactivate the body’s natural antioxidant enzymes.

If you find you’ve managed to stuff yourself bigger than Aunt Ida’s turkey, don’t panic. Just make sure to eat your first meal the next day as late as possible (or at noon) so that your digestive system has time to recover from your holiday feast. You can also ward off overeating by chewing slowly (at least 25 to 30 times before swallowing) and taking smaller bites of food.