A Good Facial Is All About A Good Esthetician

In order to have a good facial, the first step is to find a qualified esthetician that brings with them years of experience. We’ve collected a few tips to keep in mind when searching for a knowledgeable esthetician:

  • A good esthetician is passionate about skin health. They are gracious, welcoming and responsive.
  • Complete cleanliness and sanitation are non-negotiable. Their workstation should be spotless and your esthetician should wash their hands before commencing treatment. If you see a dirty environment, that’s not a good sign.
  • Your esthetician should ask questions in order to give you a professional facial that’s fully customized to suit your skin type and concerns.
  • Look for a strong communicator, someone to guide you through the treatment process before, during, and after the procedure. A great esthetician will also make the process relaxing, and follow your lead in all aspects of conversation.
  • They should also ask about your home skin-care habits and provide impartial advice on how to maintain your skin between facial treatments.
  • If you have a skin problem that requires attention from a medical doctor or dermatologist, a good esthetician will let you know.