How To Have Beautiful Skin with Skin Care

A monthly facial is not enough to keep your skin clear and beautiful. If you’re looking to transform your skin, daily action is required. Here are everyday habits to help improve your overall skin health:

  • Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and leafy greens. Good nutrition is the basic building block for healthy skin.
  • Drink plenty of water each and every day.
  • Cut out skin-damaging habits like smoking, excessive drinking, tanning booths and excessive sun exposure.
  • Find an experienced esthetician by asking friends and doing your own research. Then work with her (or him) on a regular basis to achieve your skin care goals.
  • Get a professional facial to deep clean your skin and review your product choices at least four times a year, as the seasons change.
  • Throw away the soap and use quality products that are right for your skin type. Discuss your home skin-care routine with your skin care specialist.
  • If you can’t afford all the skin-care products right away, ask which are most important to start. You can invest in additional products as you go.
  • Give yourself a home facial as often as once a week.
  • Wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days and in the winter. Use a medical grade SPF, full-spectrum sunscreen. Sun damage is the single most important cause of premature aging.
  • Remember to put sunscreen on exposed areas like the back of your hands, neck and chest. They’re often the first place to show your age.