Hydration for Vanquish fat loss treatment

Why is it so important to stay hydrated?

Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work correctly. For example, your body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate joints. Water is needed for good health in general and is also important to facilitate the breakdown and elimination of fat cells.

But why is it so important for Vanquish?

Our skin contains about 70% water. Fat contains only about 10% of water.
The more hydrated the skin tissue, the less resistance it has towards the RF energy being used to target those fat cells. Hydrated tissue enables the energy to travel more easily through the skin in order to reach and selectively heat those fat cells. This means both a more effective and more comfortable Vanquish treatment.

How much water should I drink each day?

You may have heard different recommendations for daily water intake. For most people that is about 6 to 8 8-ounce glasses of water each day, which is a reasonable goal.

If you are concerned that you are not drinking enough water, check your urine. If your urine is consistently colorless or light yellow, you are most likely staying well hydrated. Dark yellow or amber-colored urine is a sign of dehydration.

Could what you eat and drink dehydrate you?

There are a number of foods that can decrease your hydration levels. It is important to increase your fluid intake if your diet is high in any of the following: caffeine, alcohol, protein, and herbal supplements.

What if I workout?

When we sweat, we experience fluid loss. With any activity that causes perspiration it’s important to increase your water intake in order to rehydrate.

Tips for staying hydrated:
Keep it handy: If you have easy access to water throughout the day you will be more likely to make it a habit.

Spice it up: If you don’t love the taste of plain water try adding a hint of fresh fruit or herbs to the mix. Rosemary-Watermelon, Strawberry-Kiwi, Pineapple-Mint, and Lemon-Cucumber are just a few delicious and nutritious combinations to try!

Swap your snacks: Carby snacks like granola bars, chips, & crackers all have a low water content. Instead, reach for fresh fruits and veggies or healthy smoothies that will all help to keep you hydrated. Celery & peanut butter or veggies with hummus are both great refreshing mid-day pick-me-ups.

Pile on the produce: Aim for half of your plate to be made up of fruits & vegetables; both for their higher water content as well as a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals & fiber.